
Sunday 3 December 2006

Look After Your Piano

Well, by the time I had finished trying to Tune my Piano it sounded like a bar Honky Tonk in a Western. The longer I tried the worse it became. My REAL Piano Tuner had to come and sort it out - and I had to come clean about what I had done

Why did I feel so guilty? It was my Piano, and I was paying him to put it right.

I was a Piano Teacher at the time. I think Piano owners had the same sort of respect for their Tuners as we do for our Doctor (or did back in those days anyway). We did what we were told.

It's Important to Look After Your Piano.

One Tuner even told me I should never shut the lid on my piano else it might feel neglected! I was to leave the ivories on display so that they would be an invitation to play.

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